Sonoma Coast

Sonoma Coast

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Local wool hat.

Meanwhile, from the archives... I've probably made at least fifteen of these hats. It is my own (simple) design, with a built in lining. Sold some at our local farmer's market and have given a few as gifts. The wool was locally sourced, from Bodega Bay, and it is lined with alpaca. Extra warm, very soft.

Life after Girasole

Since completing my shawl, I've been taking a break from knitting. Its as though my masterpiece is complete, and I need time to let it soak in. I'm also unsure of what I want to make next. I was thinking another pi shawl, possibly even designing one. I have two skeins of a fingering weight merino/silk/silver that I'm ready to use (yes, silver flecks on a background of off-white!) Its beautiful, and it deserves to be something amazing. I don't quite have enough for a pi shawl, but definately have enough for a half-circular shawl. The wheels are spinning....

Monday, May 23, 2011


I still don't have decent photos to share. Suffice to say, I love this shawl... so much I want to marry it! There was life before Girasole, and there is life since. A new Era in which I am in an eternal state of baby cashmerino bliss.
This project has satisfied on so many levels. First and foremost, it is based on pi (the idea that a circle doubles its circumference in a series of increases that double themselves and which keep doubling their distance apart) which is always a plus for this math nerd. I learned to read my lace instead of glancing at the chart so often. Rounds and rounds of 640 sts will do that I guess. The patterning would change just often enough to keep my interest. And the edging was fun to learn and all garter stitch (knit every stitch). Every stitch was a dream, really. I love this yarn.
And now I get to wear it and wear it before the inevitable summer heat arrives. Though I think it may be light enough for a summer evening wrap. And I say this often, but this really is the prettiest thing I've ever made.
This is also the biggest project I've ever blocked, and it was challenging. I didn't know how to properly pin out a shawl, and it turns out I didn't do it right. But I really like how the edging came out in my method! The points appear uneven and not perfectly pointy. It gives the shawl an Arts & Crafts look, which I love. I will re-block it properly at some point. It has the potential to grow a few inches.
Will definately be spiraling forth more of these in the future...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Better pictures to come, I promise, but I couldn't resist...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's done!

Blocking makes a huge difference. The shawl looks nothing like it did 15 minutes ago! In fact, I wish I would have taken a before and after shot. Should be dry by this evening. If not, I'll be sleeping on the couch. Until I have proper blocking supplies, my queen size bed will have to do!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Shawl Edging

I'm done with the main body of the shawl now, and am on to working the knitted on edging. This is a brand new technique that I'm learning and am loving it. It is worked back and forth in garter stitch perpendicular to the edge of the shawl counterclockwise while "eating up" live stitches when I get to the them with a k2tog. Brilliant!! It is going to take a couple of days to finish, as I have 640 stitches to "eat up". And I'm resisting the urge to finish it quickly because I want to savor every last stitch of this yummy cashmere/merino blend.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

From the Archives

Still working on the shawl...
Meanwhile, I thought I would post an older project. This is the lace shrug knit in allhemp6 Hemp for Knitting. I love the finished product that hemp provides (durable, drapes nicely, machine-washable), but working with it is not my favorite. I like to say, "some projects are about the journey, some are about the finished product." Projects worked with hemp are ALL about the finished product.
This is a picture my Mom took in Santa Fe while we were on a trip together... and proof that I wear my handknits in the real world!